Prevention in the real world; Socio-epidemiology! | Masahiro Kihara | TEDxKyotoUniversity

When trying to ‘create awareness’ fails, it is time to adopt a new approach! This talk will introduce the concept of socio-epidemiology, and will show the effectiveness of its implementation. Socio-epidemiology is a new public health approach that is people-centered, pragmatic and interdisciplinary to creat effective approach for prevention in the reald world.

Prevention in the real world; Socio-epidemiology! | Masahiro Kihara | TEDxKyotoUniversity

Simple English for Everyone | Yukiko Nakayama | TEDxKyotoUniversity

“Ideas worth spreading” shouldn’t be limited by the belief that we must
all speak complicated, high-level English. Simple English can sometimes
be the most powerful. Ms. Yukiko Nakayama will show you how confident,
simple English opens up many more opportunities of communication than
uncertain, advanced English.

Simple English for Everyone | Yukiko Nakayama | TEDxKyotoUniversity

Creativity starts with “Good morning!” | Yuri Aranishi | TEDxKyotoUniversity

おはようから始まる創造性 | 荒西 友里 | TEDxKyotoUniversity

Having overcome the difficulties of sleep disorder, Yuri realised the importance of saying ‘good morning’ – it is an indicator with which you can know if you are physically and mentally healthy. She teaches us about an interesting relation between saying ‘good morning’ and being creative.

Creativity starts with “Good morning!” | Yuri Aranishi | TEDxKyotoUniversity